Agility - The Builder's Antidote to Chaos with Matt Collins
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Matt Collins of The Mainspring Group discusses the importance of agility for today’s homebuilders.
Homebuilding has always been an unpredictable environment, but the lessons of the Great Recession and COVID have emphasized the importance of increasing the agility of operations.
Matt Collins from The Mainspring Group shares:
The Evergreen Nature of Agility in Various Market Condition
The Foundation of Stability in Agile Environments
The Primacy of Data-Driven Decision Making
Meet the speaker & host

Matt Collins
Managing Member, The Mainspring Group

His experience goes back 25 years; spending the first five on building materials management leadership. Over the last two decades, Matt has served in several senior leadership roles for homebuilders across the country as a VP of Operations, VP of Homebuilding, and Chief Operating Officer. Through his efforts building the Mainspring Group, Matt hopes to be a part of the spread of best practices throughout the industry, creating better opportunities for financial success as well as balance within the homebuilding industry.

Conor Sedam
Customer Marketing Manager, Higharc

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